Mission Statement
Brookside Farm Soccer believes that having an encouraging environment for athletic advancement is crucial for developing a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy relationship with sports. That is why Brookside Farm Soccer decided to build a soccer field for local child athletes, while emphasizing a positive athletic atmosphere.
Brookside Farm Soccer field started as a project during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. During this period, schools and town fields were off-limits. We wanted to create a community where athletes could still gather to play the game.
The Soccer Field
Built on Brookside Farm, the field is larger than a half-regulation soccer field at about 175x217 feet.
Construction began in August of 2020. This construction included: discing the area, pulling rocks, grooming, grading, seeding, fertilizing, and landscaping.
Nine truckloads of 300 tons of sandy loam were spread, covered with topsoil, and seeded.
A drainage system was installed to reduce sitting water.
Two telephone poles were installed with two 400-watt stadium lights mounted on each pole, totaling 1600 watts of light on the field.
The field has been a labor of love, with over 400 hours into its creation.
This field is intended for soccer excellence. Come be a part of it!